Dive into the deep of my elaborated animations recreating and inventing a unique world of marine arthropods. This project resembles my own approach to address the dangerous wastefulness of human kind, but with ease – using a good portion of positiveness and admiration for nature. For me it was important to focus on the biodiversity of the ocean and its inhabitants.
Posters and flyers
I’m excited to share my graphic essentials with you! These elements played a significant role in my BA project, where I had the opportunity to craft a cohesive visual identity for my ocean world. My goal was to design a system that was both aesthetically captivating and methodically structured, bringing everything together into a harmonious whole. For this project, I selected fonts like Arthemys Display, Avara, Cabinet Grotesque, Monkeg, and Karrik to complement the design. A big thank you to all the people that were involved!
In my interactive video installation, exhibition visitors can navigate through the history of evolution using a jog shuttle (rotary controller). The secret behind the timeline: The proportions of evolutionary time divisions are made tangible. Below you can see some excerpts of the scenes I built to animate the evolutionary timeline. I put the different environment settings inside a specific era of evolution and animated arthropods that existed during this time. I used a repetitive loop-pattern in my video to communicate how nature develops with time passing almost unstoppable but also slow. I wanted to illustrate that we are just temporary players on a complicated, endless and interwoven playing field. This work’s theme addresses a major issue we surround ourselves with everyday, more and more, in the face of approaching climate changes.